In New Education Policy 2020, Teacher education is vital in creating a pool of school teachers that will shape the next generation. Rajendra Academy for Teachers’ Education emphasis on Innovative and Institutional Best Practices are the essential tools for the development of the Educational system and the Institution as well nation. The Institutional Best Practices are created for best opportunities to implement the various innovative activities and programme for institution. Teacher Educator and pupil-teachers strive to maintain and enhance the quality in the field of teaching and learning. Value-Added Courses, Environmental Awareness programme, School Internship, Mentoring system, Yoga and Meditation, TET Classes, NET classes, English Language Skill Development, Community Outreach Programme, Gender Sensitization Campaigns, Swachh Bharat Abhiyan and Research, Extension and Consultancy Programme for Teacher Educator are being followed in our institution and are effectively implemented every year. These practices must be incorporated into the present educational system. Pupil-teachers and faculty members will be definitely benefitted to follow these Institutional best practices and it will definitely reform the teacher education in the near future.